Hungarian news
Independence Restoration Day in Estonia

Hungarian news
Estonian family animations at Puskin Cinema, Budapest

Estonian news
The Day of Reading Estonian Literature Together 2022

Hungarian news
Estonian Institute organizes Paul Kuimet’s exhibition “If Air Can Be Poured Like a Liquid” in Budapest

Estonian news
March 14th is the Mother Tongue Day in Estonia

Estonian news
January 30th – the Day of Reading Estonian Literature Together

Hungarian news
An Estonian traditional music workshop for children is held in Budapest

Hungarian news
Estonian Week in Hungary: Kristina Norman’s exhibition in Budapest

Hungarian news
Estonian Week in Hungary: concert of Captain Kirke and The Klingons

Hungarian news
Estonian Week in Hungary 2019

Hungarian news
Estonian Music Week in Budapest

Hungarian news
Arvo Pärt’s exhibition opens at Három Holló with a concert

Hungarian news
Maria Faust at UH Fest

Hungarian news
Exhibition “Related by Sister Languages” will open in Ludwig Museum

Hungarian news
Arvo Pärt. Renowned and Unknown

Hungarian news
Joint exhibition of Estonian and Hungarian print artists “Scala Cromatica”

Hungarian news
Exhibition about the Baltic Chain

Hungarian news
Midsummer Night with short films on the banks of the Danube

Hungarian news
Concerts of Verska naase’ in Hungary

Hungarian news
Presentation of a new booklet and screening of “Taarka”

Hungarian news
Exhibition “Wood in Estonian Architecture” travels to Debrecen

Hungarian news
Rainer Sarnet’s November at Titanic Film Festival

Hungarian news
Stage work “Just Filming” in Budapest

Hungarian news
Hungary: Mart Kivastik’s novella “Panorama” at the literature night in Budapest

Hungarian news
Estonian week in Hungary: concert of duo Kadri Voorand & Mihkel Mälgand

Hungarian news
Estonian week in Hungary 2018

Hungarian news
Marge Monko’s solo exhibition at Molnár Ani Gallery

Hungarian news
Estonian Institute in Hungary celebrates its 20th anniversary with a concert of Puuluup

Hungarian news
Exhibition “Wood in Estonian Architecture”

Hungarian news
Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia at ELTE university in Budapest

Hungarian news
Hungary: an exhibition of contemporary portrait photography in Budapest

Hungarian news
Estonian Institute fills spring in Hungary with Estonian films, exhibitions and literature

Hungarian news
Estonian Week Special in Szeged

Hungarian news
Round-table discussion on education with the participation of an Estonian expert

Hungarian news
Exhibition “It’s Always Tea-Time”

Hungarian news
Hungary: concert of VindPower at the Budapest Jazz Club Opus

Hungarian news
Hungary: presentation of Mart Kivastik’s ‘Breviarium’ and movie night

Hungarian news
Hungary: Estonia is discovered in the children’s art gallery

Hungarian news
Hungary: Estonian design for children at Budapest Design Week

Hungarian news
Hungary: Cocktail Bar of European Languages in Debrecen

Hungarian news
All My Lenins at the open-air cinema by the Danube

Hungarian news
Hungary: Midsummer Night with Estonian short films and concert by Pastacas

Hungarian news
Hungary: Arvo Pärt film evenings – “The Lost Paradise”

Hungarian news
Torupilli Jussi Trio in Komárom and Budapest

Hungarian news
Arvo Pärt film evenings – “Gerry”

Hungarian news
Hungary: exhibition “Design without Borders”

Hungarian news
Hungary: Kätlin Kaldmaa’s “Ailill” at the literature night in Budapest

Hungarian news
Hungary: 10th Estonian week – Saat, Ehin, and Sepp

Hungarian news
Hungary: 10th Estonian week – concerts in club Kuplung

Hungarian news
Hungary: 10th Estonian week – concerts in club Kuplung

Hungarian news
Hungary: 10th Estonian week – film programme

Hungarian news
Hungary: 10th Estonian week – exhibition “Where did Euro Disappear”?

Hungarian news
Hungary: Arvo Pärt film evenings – “Knight of Cups”

Hungarian news