Information booklets
Information booklets
The range of topics in the booklets covers most different walks of life. Estonian history, language, heritage, song festivals, nature, national costumes, cuisine are but a few topics covered over the years. Trying to address friends of Estonia in their mother tongue, we have issued our booklets in more than 10 languages. For the overview of a publication click on the flag-icon.
The publications can be ordered by filling in the online form under the introduction, by email at estinst@estinst.ee or by phone +372 6 314 355. Discount applies for orders above 50 copies; invoice includes shipping expenses. Booklets can also be obtained at our office in Tallinn, Suur-Karja 14, where you can also pick up up to 5 copies of each publication for free!

12 questions about Estonia

Estonian Language


21 Questions about the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration

Dannebrog 800. The Story of Denmark And Estonia

Estonian Art 20

Estonian child – mild and wild


Estonian nature

A dozen questions about Estonia

Estonian History in Pictures

The Estonian Language


Estonian Heritage

The World of Estonian Music
The World of the Estonian Literature

Estonian Home

The World of Estonian Theatre

Hilarious Estonia