Hungary: 10th Estonian week – concerts in club Kuplung
Budapest Music Center
Mátyás utca 8 Budapest Hungary
21.03.2017 21:00 – 23:00
The repertoire of Verbarium consists of poems by the poet couple of the last century – Kersti Merilaas and August Sang.
Writing music to the poems, Mingo Rajandi and Liina Saar have drawn inspiration from jazz, world music, Estonian folk music, as well as rock music.
The versatile themes of the poems result in colourful rhythm patterns; complex structures are hidden in seemingly simple melodies.
Three out of the five members of Verbarium have taken the stage of Opus before – Mingo Rajandi, Marek Talts and Eno Kollom debuted here with Heliotroop a year ago.
Liina Saar – vocal
Marek Talts – electric guitar
Jaan Jaago – acoustic guitar
Mingo Rajandi – double bass
Eno Kollom – percussion
Estonian Institute in Hungary
Falk Miksa u. 22. fe. 2., 1055 Budapest, Ungari
(+36) 1 386 2462, (+36) 3 0423 7143
Estonian Institute wishes to thank our partners and organisers::
Budapest Music Center