Hungary: 10th Estonian week – Saat, Ehin, and Sepp
Open Workshop
Ráth György utca 4 Budapest Hungary
24.03.2017 19:00 – 21:30
Grand Café Szeged
Deák Ferenc u. 18. II Szeged Hungary
25.03.2017 17:00 – 19:30
As has become a tradition, a literary event can be found in the programme of the Estonian week. Book presentations take place in Budapest and Szeged, where the focus is on Mari Saat and Kristiina Ehin this time.
Musician Silver Sepp takes the stage along with the two writers.
In 2016, Kristiina Ehin’s poetry collection “Laulud mu südamel nagu kivid” (“Songs on My Heart Like Rocks”) and Mari Saat’s novel “Lasnamäe lunastaja” (“Redeemer of Lasnamäe”) were published in Hungarian, translated by Béla Jávorszky. Both authors introduce their work in Hungary at the Estonian week.
Mari Saat dissects serious social problems through sensitive characters in her works and skilfully opens their inner world. In the 2008 novel “Redeemer of Lasnamäe”, she gives a voice to Natalja Filippovna, who falls at the periphery of the society – a single mother living in a commuter district, facing tough times as she cannot speak the local language.
Kristiina Ehin sees the world in much brighter colours, but she is no less sensitive towards the world than Mari Saat. The themes of Kristiina Ehin’s poetry focus largely on the experiences of being a woman, trying to honestly describe a woman’s relationship to both nature, child, and man.
They are united by their wish to give meaning to being a woman in their writing, but also just being human. They are also united by translator Béla Jávorszky, thanks to whom the works of these two authors can now be read in Hungarian.
In the first half of the event a conversation with Mari Saat takes place, in the second half, Kristiina Ehin with husband Silver Sepp takes the stage.
Silver Sepp is a singer and songwriter, whose music is characterised by the closeness to nature and references to traditional culture. He accompanies himself on self-made musical instruments starting with blocks of wood hammered full of nails and ending with bicycles. Their improvisational programme is a little different every time and depends on the location, audience, and mood.
Estonian Institute in Hungary
Falk Miksa u. 22. fe. 2., 1055 Budapest, Ungari
(+36) 1 386 2462, (+36) 3 0423 7143
Estonian Institute wishes to thank our partners and organisers::
Magyar Napló Publishing House