For the third year, Estonian Institute is organizing worldwide Estonian language week “KeelEST” and it will take place on the first week of October, 2021. This time the topic of the week is games and playing. This is why we are looking for all kinds of linguistic games from all over the world. Surely there are different word games you might have played as a child to make a long tedious road trip more interesting, or maybe you have recently learned a new game?

There is a huge variety of different games. Some are patented, such as Scrabble or Alias. Some need a board, playing cards etc; some merely a piece of paper and a pencil, for example hangman. Narration games can be played so that one person writes one line and then folds tha paper so the other doesn’t see the line but has to continue the story. Some games don’t need any resources at all.

Long story short – there are very many different games! And now we want to collect the most compelling of them together. For this we created a web form. Although languages are very different and so are their opportunities, supposedly many games can be transferred to different languages, so for just sociological curiosty we ask for your age and the country you’re from or where you live. Hopefully we get many interesting game ideas and will later write an article, introducing them to our audience. And then, of course, we go on to play games during the Estonian language week KeelEST 2021.

Stay tuned!