Joel Remmel Trio Rütmihäireklubis
Restoran Juttutupa
Säästöpankinranta 6, 00530 Helsingi, Soome
31.05.2017 kl 21.00
Helsingi Juttutupa “Rütmihäireklubi” sarja hõimudžässi kontserdil astub üles Joel Remmel Trio koosseisus Joel Remmel (klaver), Heikko Remmel (kontrabass) ja Aleksandra Kremenetski (trummid).
Joel Remmel Trio came together in spring 2011 for a concert at festival “Jazzkaar”. During its six years of activity, the ensemble has recorded and published three, mostly self-written albums: “Lumekristall” (“Snow Crystal”, 2012), “More Than Fishermen” (2014) and “Some Things Never Change” (2016). All the members of the ensemble write original music in addition to working as interpreters, a remarkable part of which has also made it to the trio’s three albums.
Entrance is free of charge!
Estonian Institute would like to thank the partners and organisers of the event:
Finnish Jazz Union, Estonian Jazz Union
Eesti Instituut Soomes
Suvilahti, Sörnäisten rantatie 22
00540 Helsingi, Soome
+358 9 669 805, +358 5 0438 5331
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