The Programme of Worldwide Estonian Language Week KeelEST 2021
04.10.2021 – 10.10.2021
The programme of the Global Estonian Language Week is constantly being updated as new events emerge or more information is announced, so do check back. Let us know about your events (maria.liivak@estinst.ee) and we will add them to the existing plan!
NB (1): The times presented here are all in Estonian time (GMT +3) UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE.
NB (2): Some events take place online, some in specific physical locations. Participation in them requires the submission of a COVID certificate.
When: September 28, Tue, 5:45-7:15
What: Language roulette
Where: Zoom, online. Registration (from Sept 24th)
Organizer: Integration Foundation
INSA is visiting the Estonian Institute and introduces language week KeelEST to roulette players and language roulette to the participants of KeelEST. The language roulette is a brief and carefree encounter with and in Estonian language: we meet for a short conversation in a small group, the conversation is led by a mentor of the chat room and the topic is not announced before the meeting. The participants are both native speakers of Estonian and those interested in Estonian who do not speak Estonian as their mother tongue but want to improve their language skills.
In Zoom, the gathering starts from 5:45, we start with the roulette at 6 p.m. sharp!
When: October 2, Sat, 11:00
What: Language Café
Where: Pirita Library (Metsavahi tee 19, Tallinn)
Organizer: Tallinn Central Library
We use chat cubes, word cards and other social playing cards to learn Estonian. Participation is free.
When: October 4, Mon, 3 p.m.
What: A virtual meeting of e-residents
Where: Airmeet environment, online
Organizer: EERICA, E-residency
Introduction of basic Estonian vocabulary to e-residents, introduction of KeelEST language week and a social game in Kahoot. Prizes for the best players! Games instructed by Riina Roasto from Tahela.
When: October 4, Mon, 4 p.m.
What: Opening of the global Estonian language week KeelEST in Zoom
Where: Zoom, online
Organizer: Estonian Institute
Online opening of the language week. Participants are greeted and the programme is introduced by: Katrin Maiste, executive director of the Estonian Institute; Maria-Lee Liivak, Project Manager of the Language Week; and Irene Käosaar, director of the Integration Foundation.
When: October 5, Tue from 6-7.30 p.m.
What: A tour in Estonia Theater
Where: Estonia Theater in Tallinn (Estonia pst 4, Tallinn),
Organizer: Integration Foundation
An event for an Estonian language learner whose language level is at least B1, B2, C1. There will be introduction to the Estonia theater, a meeting with the actors. Theatrical vocabulary is introduced. There will be games and prizes will be awarded!
Participation is free, but by registration; registration link in the near future.
More info in Estonian and registration here.
When: Ocotober 6, Mon at 8 p.m. (at 7 p.m. in Belgium time)
What: Poetess Doris Kareva performing and reading her poetry
Where: Cultural Centre Kontakt (Orbanlaan 54, Sint-Pieters-Woluwe 1150, Brussels)
Organizer: Association Estonienne en Belgique
In Estonian.
When: October 6, Mon at 5:30 p.m.
What: Virtual language cafe
Where: Online
Organizer: Nurmenuku branch library of Tallinn Central Library
We play language learning games and solve a quiz about Estonia. Additional information: nurmenuku@tln.lib.ee
When: October 6, Mon, 6-8 p.m
What: Malering in Estonian and Russian
Where: Kännukuke Library (E. Vilde tee 72, Tallinn)
Organizer: Tallinn Central Library
Tatjana Fomina, an international women’s grandmaster in chess, shares her knowledge of chess with adults. We are waiting for both beginners and players who have completed basic chess training. The activities are conducted in both Estonian and Russian. Participation is free.
When: October 6, Wed, 6 p.m.
What: Movie night “Estonian Funeral”
Where: Narva Estonian Language House (Linda 2, Narva)
Organizer: Integration Foundation
Participation is free, by registration.
When: October 6, 7 and 8 at 4, 5, 6 and 7 p.m.
What: Virtual game groups
Where: Zoom, online
Organizer: Estonian Institute, Tahela
It is an online game board where the game manager moves the players’ buttons and leads the conversation. Basic Estonian skills are necessary, the games are either A1 or A2/B1 levels. In one game, there are maximum of 8 players + the game manager. One game may take up to one hour, depending on how much the participants are willing to speak.
When: October 7, N 5-5:45
What: Estonian language café “Learning by playing”
Where: Tondi Library (Pärnu mnt 125, Tallinn)
Organizer: Tallinn Central Library
Estonian language café on the topic “learning by playing”. Additional information tondi@nulltln.lib.ee
When: October 8th, Fri, 10:30
What: Language Café
Where: Google Meet environment, online
Organizer: Männiku branch library of Tallinn Central Library
Playful Estonian language café on the Google Meet platform. Information and registration: manniku@tln.lib.ee or 655 9718.
When: October 9, Sat, 1:30 p.m.
What: Language Café
Where: Skype, online
Organizer: Paepealse branch library of Tallinn Central Library
We play the board game “Memo Eesti” via Skype. Additional information: paepealse@tln.lib.ee
When: October 9, Sat, 3-4 p.m.
What: Language Café
Where: Skype environment, online
Organizer: Paepealse branch library of Tallinn Central Library
We are waiting for people who do not speak Estonian as their mother tongue and who would like to practice Estonian in an open atmosphere. All interested are welcome, regardless of their mother tongue.
Additional information and registration: peapaelse@tln.lib.ee, phone 632 7463
When: October 9, Sat, 4 p.m. (Belgium time)
What: Doris Kareva performing
Where: Café littéraire Le Bovary
Organizer: L’Association Luxembourg-Estonie
Doris Kareva performing in Estonian
ALL WEEK: Integration Foundation presents: city exploring game in Narva, in Estonian.
More information coming soon!
ALL WEEK: During the World Estonian Language Week, Tallinn Central Library invites all book lovers to use the e-libraries ELLU, OverDrive and Naxos, where you can borrow reading material and music free of charge at a time convenient for you.
ELLU can find e-books in Estonian in the e-library, and e-books and audiobooks in English, Russian, German and Finnish, as well as e-magazines in many different languages can be borrowed from OverDrive’s e-library. Naxos databases include classical and jazz music, but also film and world music. To use e-libraries, you need a valid Tallinn Central Library reader’s card, but it is not necessary to create separate accounts. You can register as a library reader online without leaving home. More information on registering as a reader and using e-libraries can be found on the website of Tallinn Central Library www.keskraamatukogu.ee.
Worldwide Estonian Language Week is supported by Integration Foundation and Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.