Estonian child – mild and wild
Estonian Institute invites everyone, both big and small ones to discover the world of Estonian children!
What is an Estonian child like and what kind of life does one live? Answers to these questions are being sought by friends Uku and Leelo, the main characters of the publication “Estonian child – mild and wild”. In the discovery game, they explore step by step, level by level what does the life of an Estonian child consist of. Different childhood milestones from birth and name-giving to song and dance celebrations are handled. Among other important things, the book talks about kindergarten, ukakas, biscuit cake, football training, nature trip, Martinmas and St Catherine’s Day, kama and kaerajaan. Whoever goes through all the levels will find out what kind of children are living in Estonia. The book also includes pages that you can paint by yourself, there are jokes, bread comics, receipt for making a biscuit cake, etc. The last pages of the book are for notes.
The book is based on the responses of the survey “Me too!” that was held among children in the Year of Children’s and Youth Culture 2017 in cooperation with the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre.
Text: Kätlin Vainola
Illustrations and design: Ulla Saar
Editing: Kadi Eslon
Translation: Livia Ulman
Language editing: Richard Adang
Publisher: Estonian Institute, 2017 (first edition)
The publication of the book has been supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Language: Estonian, English, Finnish
Volume: 48 pp
Size: 17 x 24 cm