Estonian Art 1/2 2008
Table of contents:
1 Prevention magic of monuments
Hasso Krull, interviewer Eero Epner
3 A cross for the entire nation
Rainer Sternfeld, Andri Laidre, interviewer Liina Siib
5 The public debates
Mikko Lagerspetz, interviewer Eero Epner
7 Messages of landscape
Merle Karro-Kalberg, interviewer Liina Siib
10 What it meant to be an ‘art historian’ in Soviet Estonia
Jaak Kangilaski, interviewer Liina Siib
12 Publicly acknowledged work Marge Monko
14 What can an artist do? What can an artist not do?
Laura Kuusk, Margit Säde
17 Why learn more about Jaan Toomik from Wikipedia when you can
read a thorough interview instead?
Andreas Trossek, Jaan Toomik
21 I constantly feel as if I am some sort of Michael Jackson
Viktoria Ladõnskaja, Kristina Norman, Tanja Muravskaja, Liina Siib
27 The idea of location during periods of national
self-assurance in Estonian and Finnish art
Tiina Abel, Ingrid Sahk, interviewer Liina Siib
31 Eerik Haamer in double exile
Reeli Kõiv, interviewer Eero Epner
34 “This is not the Republic of Estonia I have dreamed of”
Mart Kalm, interviewer Eero Epner
37 New ‘warm’ brick, ‘worn’ metal, ‘honest’ concrete etc
in Rotermann quarter
Triin Ojari, interviewer Eero Epner
42 Gas Pipe at the 11th Venice Architecture Biennale
Maarja Kask, Neeme Külm, Ralf Lõoke, Ingrid Ruudi
interviewers Liina Siib and Eero Epner
45 “The alternativeness is a way of thinking”
NG Art Container, interviewer Liina Siib
47 Exhibitions
49 New books
See the PDF: ENG