Estonian Art 1 2011
Table of contents:
1 One Question.
Anders Härm about Facebook and art criticism
3 Dealing With Yourself Through Others
Liina Siib interviewed by Eero Epner
6 Eat, Pray, Love…
Anu Allas
10 Post-colonialism and Estonia
Tiit Hennoste interviewed by Eero Epner
16 The National Representation Beauty Contest
Karolina Łabowicz-Dymanus
19 If It’s Part Broke Half Fix It
Virginija Januskeviciute
23 Salto and The Garden of Eden
Triin Ojari
28 Interview with Karli Luik from Salto
30 Contemporary Art Encompasses All the Rest
Maria Lind interviewed by Eero Epner
34 Notes on Paul Kuimet
Pille Epner
39 What is Estonian Sound Art
Maria Juur
42 As for Music…
Andres Lõo
43 Raul Keller interviewed by Eero Epner
44 Exhibitions
See the PDF: ENG