ELM 2 2012
The current Estonian Literary Magazine is no 35 and comes out for the Frankfurt Book Fair. In a longer article, Reet Klettenberg examines the life and work of the prominent Hungarian linguist and literary translator Gábor Bereczki who died in April this year. The magazine offers longish articles about two more remarkable men in Estonian literature: Peeter Helme writes about Hellar Grabbi and Jaanus Vaiksoo about Harri Jõgisalu, who celebrated his 90th birthday in August.
Andra Teede represents the younger generation. She is interviewed by Jayde Will who also has raised a topical subject of e-books and e-publishing, which he discusses with Madli Puhvel and Eeva Park.
Sirje Kiin analyses Livia Viitol’s biography of Eduard Vilde. Piret Viires introduces the winners of various 2011 literary awards. As always, ELM presents short overviews of recently published Estonian books.
Table of contents:
4 Gábor Bereczki
Reet Klettenberg
12 Harri Jõgisalu — A man like Estonian nature
Jaanus Vaiksoo
17 A Drop of Water
Harri Jõgisalu
18 Hellar Grabbi — a master of memories
Peeter Helme
22 Interview with Andra Teede
Jayde Will
24 Poetry
Andra Teede
26 Interview with Madli Puhvel translator of Trap in Infinity
Jayde Will
28 Beginning of the tale — e-books and the future of publishing
Jayde Will and Eeva Park
30 Seventh biography of Eduard Vilde
Sirje Kiin
36 Estonian Literary Awards 2011
Piret Viires
38 Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors
Brita Melts, Rutt Hinrikus and Janika Kronberg
See the PDF: ENG