ELM 1 2018
2 High tension captured in bare palms. An interview with Doris Kareva by Jürgen Rooste
8 Poetry by Doris Kareva
12 Love doesn’t exist in a vacuum by Maarja Vaino
16 Rein Raud – a cosmopolitan with roots. An interview by Joonas Hellerma
24 Bell and Hammer by Rein Raud
28 Estonian-Russian literature: Estonian literature written in Russian by Aija Sakova
33 A tightrope-walker inspired by the abyss. An interview with Mehis Heinsaar by Piret Põldver
38 The role of history in Estonian prose by Peeter Helme
42 The sensuous and social Eeva Park by Johanna Ross
46 Poetry by Eeva Park
48 A regular writer’s salary: Really? by Piret Põldver
52 Book reviews by Erik Aru, Oliver Berg, Peeter Helme and Maarja Helena Meriste
Price: 3.00€
See the PDF: ENG