Meeting with writer Indrek Hargla
Kuldjala tower
Tallinn, Central City, Gümnaasiumi Street 3
07.02.2018 17:30
Indrek Hargla is one of the most well-known and most prolific science fiction and crime writers in Estonia. The protagonist of his Middle Ages themed crime novels is the pharmacist Melchior. The event is in English.
At the meeting, two medieval towers will be visited, there will be a walkabout on the gallery of the defensive wall, we will discover the mysterious life of medieval Tallinn and get a closer look at the personality of the pharmacist Melchior. The evening also includes tasting the notorious sweet elixir of Melchior and getting acquainted with the translations of Hargla’s works into other languages. In addition, there will be surprises!
Information and registration: Lea Kreinin, lea.kreinin@estinst.ee