Finland: Estonian theatre weeks in Espoo
Espoo Kultuurikeskus
Kulttuuriaukio 2 Espoo Soome
02.03.2017 – 11.03.2017
The highly valued Estonian theatre art makes it to Espoo in March! Two Estonian productions will be played in the Estonian theatre weeks’ programme of Espoo City Theatre: “Olga, Irina, and I” by Pärnu Theatre Endla and “Rabbit Hole” by Tallinn City Theatre.
The play “Olga, Irina, and I”, written by Finnish theatre legend Ralf Långbacka in 1993 reaches the Finnish audience in the interpretation by Pärnu Theatre Endla.
In the human tragicomedy, the women who played the three sisters of Chekhov meet twenty years after the premiere. During the evening spent together, the women share the joys, sadness, and fallings in love gathered over the years. The adored Vershinin joins the company of Olga, Irina, and Masha as well and long-kept secrets and endless yearning finally come to light.
Author Ralf Långbacka
Translation from Swedish Ülev Aaloe.
Dramaturg Martin Algus
Director and musical designer Ingomar Vihmar
Designer Liina Unt
Light designer Karmen Tellisaar
Cast Kleer Maibaum-Vihmar, Carmen Mikiver, Hilje Murel (Eesti Draamateater) ja Jaan Rekkor
In Estonian with Finnish subtitles (Maija Rantanen).
The performance lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes (with an intermission).
The performances of “Olga, Irina, and I” take place on March 2 and 3 at 19 and on March 4 at 14.
“Rabbit Hole” is David Lindsay-Abaire’s Pulitzer prize winning drama about a couple who has lost a child and makes efforts to get over the deep grief.
We are all vulnerable and defenceless to the unexpected setbacks of fate. When tragic events occur in our or our loved one’s lives, we are shaken loose of the ordinary principles, beliefs, and daily routine. How to cope with grief, pain, and often guilt as well?
Author David Lindsay-Abaire
Translation from English Kristiina Jalasto.
Director Madis Kalmet
Designer Jaanus Laagriküll
Musical designer Peeter Konovalov (Theatre Ugala)
Light designer Margus Vaigur (Theatre Endla)
Cast Elisabet Reinsalu, Liis Lass, Rain Simmul, Epp Eespäev, Mikk Jürjens
In Estonian with Finnish subtitles (Varja Arola).
The performance lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes (with an intermission).
The performances of “Rabbit Hole” take place on March 9 and 10 at 18 and on March 11 at 14.
Estonian Institute in Finland
Suvilahti, Sörnäisten rantatie 22, 00540 Helsinki, Soome
(+358) 966 9805, (+358) 50 438 5331, (+358) 45 131 6992
Estonian Institute wishes to thank our partners and organisers::
Estonian Embassy in Helsinki, Espoo City Theatre
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