Festival “Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania x 100”
Different places in Helsinki
26.08.2018 – 01.09.2018
In the last week of August, the 100th anniversary of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will be celebrated in Helsinki with the festival “Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania x 100”.
From the 26th of August to the 1st of September, numerous artists, researchers and cultural influencers from all three Baltic countries will be brought to Helsinki to celebrate the 100th birthday of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The programme includes poetry, films for both children and adults, theatrical performances and seminars. The celebrations are finished with a jazz concert at Temppeliaukio Church.
Baltic Poetry Night
(August 26 at 6–8 p.m., Lavaklubi, Kansallisteatteri, Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, Helsinki)
The Finnish National Theatre hosts the Baltic Poetry Night, where the audience can enjoy improvisational poetry and violin music. On the stage Gabrielé Labanauskaité (Lithuania), Eeva Park (Estonia) and Arvis Viguls (Latvia) together with violinist Rista Tuura (Finland).
Seminar “Norden as a concept and influence”
(August 29 at 3.30–5 p.m., Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki)
Over the last century, the regional concept of Norden has acquired a broad meaning that goes far beyond the merely geographical, or even political. The panel will discuss some of the geographical and regional ideas, identities, and projects which have in various ways challenged or presented alternatives to the presently “natural” Nordic identity. Its particular focus will be on the Baltic States and their – assumed or real – Nordicness.
Lecturer Mart Kuldkepp (Estonia), Prof. Dr. Mindaugas Jurkynas (Lithuania) and Researcher Gustavs Strenga (Latvia). Moderator: Ainur Elmgren, Researcher at the University of Helsinki.
Baltic film night
(August 29 at 6 p.m. – 00, Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki)
Baltic film night presents one movie from each Baltic country: The Man Who Looks Like Me (Estonia, 2017), Rocks in my Pockets (Latvia, 2014) and Owl Mountain (Lithuania, 2017).
Baltic movies for schools
(August 30 at 10–11.45 a.m., Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki)
Piip and Tuut Theatre “Hamlet”
(August 30 at 6–8.30 p.m., Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki)
Clowns Piip and Tuut interpret the world classic. This is not an experiment, but an homage to the immortal classical creation. The performance includes the selection of characters played by Piip (Haide Männamäe) and Tuut (Toomas Tross) and accompanied by the musician and composer Siim Aimla.
Seminar “Literature of Small Nations vs Big Nations – interest and awareness”
(August 31 at 3–5 p.m., Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki)
Finnish people are mostly familiar with the literature of their native country and that of bigger nations, less is known about the literature of neighbouring countries. Does the recent history shared by similar societies also create cultural resemblances? Could the similar processes taking place in the Baltic societies attract wider attention for the literature of those countries? In addition to the Latvian and Lithuanian writers and translators, the Estonian writer Rein Raud and poet Veronika Kivisilla participate in the conversation.
Baltic short films
(August 31 at 6–8 p.m., Kaisaniemenkatu 9, Helsinki)
Baltic short films night programme includes The Master (Estonia, 2015), Hunting Day (Latvia, 2016), Lords of Riga (Latvia, 2016), Hello Horse! (Latvia, 2017) and Seven Awkward Sex Scenes (Latvia, 2016).
Baltic jazz concert “Nordic Passion”
(September 1 at 7.30–9 p.m., Temppeliaukion Church, Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki)
Villu Veski, saxophones (EST), Tiit Kalluste, accordion (EST), Taavo Remmel, double bass (EST), Raimonds Macats, keyboards (LV) and Valerijus Ramoška, trumpet (LT).
Free entry!
Additional information: https://www.nordiskkulturkontakt.org/fi/tapahtumat/festivaali-ee-lv-lt-x-100/
The festival is organized in co-operation of Estonia 100, Estonian Embassy in Helsinki, Latvian Embassy in Helsinki, Runokuu, SVYL, Lithuania 100, Nordic Culture Point, Nordic Council of Ministers’ offices in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
Estonian Institute in Finland
Suvilahti, Sörnäisten rantatie 22
00540 Helsinki, Finland
+358 9 669 805, +358 5 0438 5331