Exhibition “Estonian History in Pictures”
Estonian Institute’s exhibition “Estonian History in Pictures” introduces the most important events and key figures in Estonian history from 9000 BC to 2018 AD.
The exhibition divides Estonian history into six periods, each period is divided between two panels. The panels include descriptive texts, photographs, and reproductions.
Time periods:
I 9000 BC – 1500 AD
II 1500–1900
III 1905–1940
IV 1940–1956
V 1956–1991
VI 1991–2018
Texts: Priit Raudkivi and the Estonian Institute
Graphic design: Angelika Schneider
Technical descriptions: 12 colourful plates, measures 60 cm (width) x 160 cm (height), on Decotex textile.
The exhibition has been translated into English, German, Spanish, French and Russian.
In celebration of the 100th birthday of the Republic of Estonia, the exhibition is to be displayed in countries all over the world during 2018.
The exhibition was compiled in 2017 by the Estonian Institute.
The process was supported by the Government Office of Estonia (Estonian presidency of the Council of the European Union and the EV100 international programme).
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