Arvo Pärt. Renowned and Unknown
Budapest Palace of Arts
Komor Marcell utca 1
Budapest, Hungary
16.09.2018 – 30.09.2018
The exhibition “Arvo Pärt. Renowned and Unknown” will open at Budapest Palace of Arts (Müpa) on 16 September 2018. The exhibition is compiled by the Estonian Museum of Theatre and Music, with the Hungarian variation born from the support and cooperation between the Estonian Institute in Hungary and the Estonian Music Development Centre.
The event is dedicated to the centenary of the Republic of Estonia.
The exhibition presents an overview of the eventful life of the composer, starting with Arvo Pärt’s childhood up to the present-day whilst giving a sense of the concepts of his music. The curators of this exhibition are Kristo Matson and Marge Raun. The exhibition forms a part of the EV100 international programme and it will be open until 30 September 2018.
The exhibition is part of the European Bridges (Európai Hidak) festival. Each year, music from countries with a buzzling contemporary cultural life is selected to present a series of events, which are coordinated by Budapest Festival Orchestra (BFZ) and Müpa. This year, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland are at the centre of a colorful festival programme.
In addition to the Arvo Pärt exhibition, Estonia is also represented in the festival’s music programme. On 21 and 22 September, the famous Budapest Festival Orchestra will perform a Baltic-themed concert, where “Te Deum” and “Como cierva sediente” by Arvo Pärt will be performed together with music from Čiurlionis and Pēteris Vasks.
On 24 September, the festival audience can enjoy musical creations from Tõnu Kõrvits, Erkki-Sven Tüür and Taago Tubin which will be performed by BFZ Contemporary Ensemble.
For a somewhat lighter musical experience, there are concerts from Erki Pärnoja on 22 September and Maarja Nuut & Ruum on 23 September.
The musical extravaganza is also complemented by film screenings. “Arvo Pärt. 24 preludes for one fuga” will be screened on 21 September, and one of the most successful Estonian feature films, “November”, can be seen on 22 September.
Estonian Institute in Hungary
Falk Miksa u. 22 fe. 2, 1055 Budapest, Hungary
+36 1 386 2462, +36 3 0423 7143